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Gundam 00: HG 01 GN-001 Gundam Exia 1/144 Scale Model Kit Shopper Reviews

This was my first model in being and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It took me around 4 hours to complete but I did get on to a few mistakes and had to go back. I couldn't get the cut between the shoulder and chest to fit like I wanted it to but it's alright. I actually enjoyed the assembly and the finished manufactured goods.
- SuperCheese

I'll try my best to keep this helpful. I have posted my own descriptions of my refined Exia's (Try out them out below Kevin Q in the photos)This develop comes with all you need to make it look awe-inspiring lacking any bonus paint. The nice business is for the parts that you want to panel line (with a Gundam marker, or with a wash mode) are exceptionally easy due to the handbook affect on the pieces.Secondly if you are building your at the start Gundam, this one has in effect all the parts you need to do a LOT of basic techniques (masking and painting, seam line dying, sanding). It's an awe-inspiring looking develop as well if you try out out the close ups.Here's also manifold stick and hand options to give your Exia some personality. Bandai's newer 1/144 models have improved a lot in their articulation over the being and this Exia is no exclusion. This develop does not come with a stand even if, so if you want to get some actually awe-inspiring poses, it wouldn't hurt to hold a stand with it as well.Additional than that, for life an 1/144 here is an amazing amount of fine points. I highly urge purchasing it. I have two for a wits.
- Kevin Q

I just recently finished building it now my initially develop kit, I near at sea a piece save pro in good health it.Okay, so this kit came in perfect affect up, not crushed. The things including the intention of is on the assumed character is just so what you ask; GN buffer, GN blade, GN drive, GN handgun, beam saber, lingering/short blade, and other saber w/out beam. The kit is truly Distinguished grade class. The colors contest early the assumed character, has a allocation of articulation (which means you can recreate the same pose early the run), skilled point on the parts, the instruction is japanese save pro the metaphors are numbered and straightforward to stay on.Like- no call for glue- great numerous positions- great GN weapons and buffer-Hate- some areas call for paint like GN drive.- GN blade call for some green on it, beam saber lacks paint.I owned a gundam including the intention of is shorter than the 1/144 scale and including the intention of is the Gundam Gray arms custom its like 1/150 scale. 1/144 scale is so much better.
- Ryuga

The 1/144 scale HG Gundam Exia is simply the best model early its line, and a really fine kit overall.What you get:-Skilled poseability. The suit can't really crouch effectively (few 1/144 kits can), save pro has water supply-built joints with the intention of allocate it to stand water supply and can re-erect a ton of cool poses. There are even fine points down to the "kneecaps" of the element go an party element with the intention of can be exchange non-centrally.-No glue, no paint. It all snaps collectively, and the built-in stickers do a skilled career of building this kit look great, and if you want to paint all you'll be inflicted with to do is top bring about. The kit looks excellent as is.-All the weapons. The Seven Swords Gundam is in full swing at this time. The large E-carbon blade folds down to expose a submachine gun, or folds out to curve the element into an almost traditional-looking sword. The two GN Blades be inflicted with removable hip mounts, so you can place them off lacking affecting the looks of the kit whatsoever. There are even blades pro the Beam Sabers (which were mysteriously absent early additional kits). The release tiny appeal is with the intention of there are release two Beam Sword blades, importance you can't re-erect the Beam Daggers early the trade show. Really a tiny appeal overall, as there's extra gear at this time than you discover in most additional 1/144 kits.The rough bits:-The GN Blades don't push to extremely steadily, and if you're posing the kit, credentials recommend pulling them off in anticipation of the closing step. They rest just fine, save pro they pop out extremely easily while posing. Or remove them and their mounts entirely to get on to the element extra rationalized- the kit can do with the intention of.-As mentioned, you get hilts pro the Beam Daggers save pro no blades.Overall, this may be the best of the Gundam units early the HG 1/144 line. It has effectively every piece seen in the trade show, and they're all fantastic. Vastly not compulsory. credentials also suggest getting the actual action stand pro this kit, release since the mass of weapons it can mount deserves an appropriately cool pose.
- Michigoon "tech geek"

As a fan of the Gundam run and it's models, I was very excited to diplomacy this mock-up of Gundam 00's Exia develop. At at the initiation I felt a modest apprehensive. The following I expected my diplomacy even if, I was very pleased with my hold. It took almost three hours to build the develop and do the top work. The develop looks fine lacking bonus painting or lining, but I would recommend by a Gundam line marker to do the upset ups. The paint itself is fine and doesn't rely too much on stickers. The concluded manufactured goods looks splendid. Comes with many of Exia's weapons from the show and it is sweet bendable as far as develop's are apprehensive. I greatly urge this manufactured goods for persons who wish to assemble the Gundam develop's but don't feel like paying for the better models.
- Daynne

Fastidious pieces reduction off easily. Arms don't step that water supply. It's alright, I be fond of Exia a ton. Keep pro I'm currently wishing I would be inflicted including only commit to a higher feature translation.
- Nick Fox

for my at the initiation develop i liked it and was straightforward to put collectively. i planning it would be better than a potential park ranger map but its ok. it has splendid top and makes me aspire to get a additional quickly.
- michael mansell

This Exia model is a modest smaller than I probable, save pro it was a pleasure to erect. It's all clip and shatter, more be fond of a puzzle than model construction. It looks fantastic. I'm knocking lone star bitter release since the swords don't glue extremely water supply and the sticker pro the buffer is a piece of an come forth.
- Ryan Aech

The HG (High Grade) Gundam Exia from the anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" is reasonably a skilled kit. It is a huge representation of the small but commanding mecha from the new series. It is renowned as the "Seven Swords Gundam", and it lives up to its name. Its garnishing:*1 "GN lingering blade"*1 "GN fleeting blade"*2 Beam Sabers*2 Beam Daggers*1 "GN Sword I" (Can switch to a beam rifle)The poseability is splendid for a High Grade (HG), and it is reasonably easy to put together. The parts shatter together. The instructions be inflicted including mostly Japanese copy, but extremely water supply-detailed cinema. A splendid buy-get it today!
- Steve Kelem

Hadn't really build a gundam develop kit in check over of the fact that I've built the not any grade Master Gundam of the constant scale. This was a sweet skilled initiation previous to construction approximately others counting Astraea category f, also a 1/144 high grade, and Zaku II, a 1/144 real grade kit. With it's mass and moderately low-expense prices, this would be skilled for starting a bring collectively of additional gundam kits or get on to dioramas to recreate scenes from the show. This is a sweet skilled initiation for construction Gundam models previous to tender privileged grades of better scales.
- craig a taylor

Gundam 00: HG 01 GN-001 Gundam Exia 1/144 Scale Model Kit

Le terme Gunpla dǸsigne les maquettes de robots, personnages ou vǸhicules en plastique issues de la contract japonaise Gundam et commercialisǸes par Bandai ; il rǸsulte de la short way around la short way around de "Gundam Plastic". Les Maquettes gundam se rǸpartissent entre diffǸrentes gammes (grade), indicateurs gǸnǸraux de leurs tailles, du degrǸ de dǸtails et un peu du prix quand mǦme... Voici les principales gammes que l'on peut trouver Çÿ ce jour: FG Initially Grade: maquettes au 1/144 Çÿ clipser (les moins cher); Mega Size: gamme Çÿ l'Ǹchelle 1/48, avec nǸanmoins une qualitǸ de finition moins poussǸe qu'un master grade; HG High Grade: maquettes en gǸnǸrale au 1/144 avec squelette internet simple; RG Real Grade: similaires aux master grade avec un squelette interne poussǸ mais gǸnǸralement au 1/144; MG Master Grade : de qualitǸ supǸrieure avec une mǸcanique interne intǸgralement modǸlisǸe, gǸnǸralement de taille 1/100 (Çÿ partir d'un cinquantaine d'euros, apprǸciǸ du broadcast pour sa taille et sa qualitǸ tout en restant "abordable"); PG Perfect Grade: gamme la plus ǸvoluǸe techniquement, gǸnǸralement de taille 1/60 (celle qui coute bonbon!!!). La rǸalisation de GUNPLA nǸcessite naturellement un certain outillage, la plupart trÇùs facile Çÿ trouver (cutter, papier de verre, pince coupante,colle Çÿ maquette)...


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